Die gamescom 2018 ist am Ende und wir sind es auch.
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#applicationsystemsheidelberg Kalypso Media #3minutestomidnight Bandai-Namco Electronic Arts Dying Light GRIP @goninjakitty #rend #otercide #shadowde State of Decay NIS America, Inc. #60parsecs Robot Gentleman Cyberpunk 2077 CD PROJEKT RED Amazon.de Amazon Game Tech The Grand Tour #newworld Metro – The Game Kochmedia #kochmedia Deep Silver #x4 egosoft Dakar Rally BlueMoon Entertainment Bethesda THQNordic @indiearenabooth18 #indiearenabooth18 Ubisoft Anno Ubisoft Blue Byte PlayStation Sony Forza Motorsport Microsoft Nintendo Biomutant Fallout RAGE Darksiders Generation Zero Redbull Volvic Blizzard BigDvsrl Bunte Motte Koelnmesse Wings