Dragon Age: Inquisition – Jaws of Hakkon
Ein neues Story DLC für 14,99 € auf PC, Xbox (one&360) und PlayStation (3&4) ist ab sofort verfügbar.
Neue Features:
– Fokus auf Multiplayer
– Trainingsarena hinzugefügt
– Schwierigkeitsgrad „Albtraum“
– Neue Highlevel Waffen + T4 Zubehör
– Import von Save-Games und Multiplayer Daten auf aktueller Konsolengeneration
– … (Die vollen Patchnotes unten)
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Patch-Notes – Dragon Age:Inquisition (Patch 8):
->Introduced the Save Importer feature, allowing players to migrate their single-player save games and multiplayer data to current-gen consoles.
->[Multiplayer] Introduced new and rare high-level weapons, including some from the Avvar clans.[Multiplayer] Introduced one new T4 accessory.
->[Multiplayer] Introduced Proving Grounds, a new tutorial level accessible from the class-selection screen.
->[Multiplayer] Introduced Nightmare difficulty, a step up from Perilous.
->[Multiplayer] Fixed an issue that caused the Multiplayer menu to be reloaded after a quick match failure.
->[Multiplayer] Fixed an issue when using Reset Ability Points with a full inventory.
->[Multiplayer] Fixed an issue which could prevent Multiplayer maps from streaming in during high latency matches.
->[Multiplayer] Fixed the text for the Challenge “Relentless Pursuit” to list the correct Multiplayer character.
->[PS4] Fixed a crash when playing while installing relating to the Flames of the Inquisition items.
->[PS4] Fixed an issue that prevented joining a Multiplayer game via PS4 Friends List
Ergründe das Schicksal des letzten Inquisitors und des mächtigen Drachen, den er gejagt hatte. Begib dich in die Wildnis der südlichen Berge von Thedas – der Heimat der Avvar, einem Volk freier Jäger. Ergründe ihre Kultur, um das Rätsel um den letzten Inquisitor und den Drachen, den er jagte, zu lös…