Auf geht’s nach Hause!!!

Herzlichen Dank an alle Zuschauer, Freunde, Publisher, Entwickler und alle die uns unterstĂŒtzt haben!

Es war wieder eine herrausragende Gamescomwoche!

Wir freuen uns auf kommendes Jahr 😀

Die post production ist schon mĂ€chtig am glĂŒhen! 😉

Seid gespannt auf unsere BeitrÀge ab nÀchster Woche!

#bandainamco #thqnordic #squareenix #ea #nintendo #sony #team17 #indiebooth #devcon #techland #konami #hoplon #battlestategames #microsoft #xbox #ps4 #forbes #techland #gamescom #gamescom2017 #heartofgaming #blizzard #warhorsegames #undallediewirhiernichterwÀhnthaben


Auf geht’s nach Hause!!! Herzlichen Dank an alle Zuschauer, Freunde, Publisher…

About The Author
- We are a collective of 9 Blogger/YouTuber who have been reporting about games and hardware from the industry in many different ways, since 2009. / / / / / / / / / / Since 2012, we have been running the online project In the project Chainsaw Gaming we connect a YouTube presence with various social medias and a twitch channel. / / / / / / / / / / We always publish our articles under the collective “Chainsaw Gaming” and not with the names of the authors, as we always want to be perceived as a group. The articles are submitted by the respective authors and are then curated by the editorial team and finally published. / / / / / / / / / / One of our main focuses has long been on Gamescom, as it is the best consumer gaming trade fair in the world.