Für uns geht’s jetzt wieder Richtung Heimat.
Wir fanden es war ne geile Woche!
Erzählt doch mal von euren Eindrücken.
Wie fandet ihr die Con? Gut? Schlecht?
Habt ihr Games im Blick, welche ihr jetzt unbedingt braucht? 🙂
Für uns ist auf jedenfall einiges dabei gewesen (y)



Für uns geht’s jetzt wieder Richtung Heimat. Wir fanden es war ne geile Woche! …

About The Author
- We are a collective of 9 Blogger/YouTuber who have been reporting about games and hardware from the industry in many different ways, since 2009. / / / / / / / / / / Since 2012, we have been running the online project chainsawgaming.de In the project Chainsaw Gaming we connect a YouTube presence with various social medias and a twitch channel. / / / / / / / / / / We always publish our articles under the collective “Chainsaw Gaming” and not with the names of the authors, as we always want to be perceived as a group. The articles are submitted by the respective authors and are then curated by the editorial team and finally published. / / / / / / / / / / One of our main focuses has long been on Gamescom, as it is the best consumer gaming trade fair in the world.